Need the internet for school? Call the library today to check availability and to reserve a WiFi hotspot.

Download a copy of the wavier here.


Policy for Borrowing and Use Outside of the Library:

WHO CAN BORROW (all criteria must be met):
● Guardians of school students grades K-12
who reside in the Mifflinburg School District
● Must reside in a household without
broadband internet access.
● Possess family library account in good
standing (less than $10 in fines).
● Agree to all Lending Agreements.USER AGREEMENT:
Must be signed by parent, caregiver, or guardian.BORROWING LIMIT:
1 device per household.USER THRESHOLD:
10 devices may be logged in at one time.
Free. (4G/LTE connection)SUPPORT:
Library Director & Staff 570.966.0831RECHARGE:
Fully charge & turn off device before returning it.RETURN DEVICE:
Return in person or via book drop by due date.DEVICE LIMITATIONS:
Devices active 6am-11pm
● Devices set with daily/monthly data   caps
● Devices programmed withCIPA-compliant filters and block various types of services,
including social networking and online streaming.
Hint: 500MB of data = 6 hrs internet browsing, streaming 100 songs, or watching 1 hr sd video



● Borrow for 1 data cycle (up to 30 days). No renewals.
● Online reserves available.
● Quarantine protocols apply.Overdue, lost, damaged, incomplete kits will be
charged replacement fees after 5 days. No refunds.
$10/day. Overdue devices automatically deactivated.REPLACEMENT FEES:
Lost or damaged device – $150.00
Lost or damaged cables – $ 25.00
Lost or damaged case – $25.00