Before you go looking for leaves, visit the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources website to learn why autumn leaves change colors.
- Audubon Guide Field guide with over 800 species of North American trees. Free registration.
- Leaf Tree ID Key Match your leaf to photos from the Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education
- Leaf Snap Species Search photos to find your leaf. Designed by Smithsonian Institute, Columbia University and the University of Maryland.
- Tree Identification Key Answer questions or view photos from the Michigan State University Extension.
- What Tree Is It? Find your tree by its name, its leaf or its fruit. Designed by the Ohio Public Library.
- What Tree is That? Answer questions to identify your tree on the Arbor Day Foundation site.
- Common Trees of Pennsylvania Find out if your leaf is from one of the 57 native trees in PA. Sponsored by the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
- Virginia Tech Tree Fact Sheets Search the common or scientific name of your tree.
- Temperate Deciduous Forest Discover tree facts in this guide sponsored by the Missouri Botanical Gardens.
Once you’ve identified your tree, watch a video about it from the State University of NY, College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
Still puzzled about your leaf? Snap a picture and identify it with an App!
- Audubon Trees App Carry your field guide with you with this free mobile app.
- Leafsnap. Learn about your tree with this free mobile app developed by the Smithsonian Institute, Columbia University and the University of Maryland.
- Virginia Tech Tree ID App Use this free mobile app to link to fact sheets for almost 1,000 woody plants.
- What Tree is That? Discover a leaf’s identity with this game from the Arbor Day Foundation.
- Cat in the Hat Leafylafoo Play games or create leaf art at PBS Kids.